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Click below to enjoy contributions from other Smoky Mountain Maine Coon Owners to this page...
Worth every penny! This little angel face is so sweet! Her temperament is gentle, but playful. Chasing the red light is her favorite anctivity and her …
Mufasa is 1
Got my kitten a year ago! Mufasa just turned one on September 4. These people are so nice very helpful and kind. It was a great transaction. Definitely …
My Remmy
We have a classic blue Maine coon named Remmy he will be 4 years old in feb he is smart very loving and chatters all the time. He talks and let’s me know …
Alf settled in😍
Alf is from Evanstar and Rauchen’s litter, it took him a couple of days to settle in, but now he knows he’s a king! He takes after his mom and loves riding …
Pete loves going for walks!
I never knew I would love Pete this much! Also SMMC is great to work with and produces beautiful cats.
Almost 1 year in Sayomi’s forever home
We love our Sayomi! She also answers to ‘momi or baby which is very cute. She loves being held for extended periods of time and would prefer you to just …
Best personality you’ll ever see
Zeus is our 2 year old sweet and the most loving cat you’ll ever meet! He is the love of our life. I did not know what I was missing not ever owning a …
Sassy and Sterling’s litter.
We have had Gray for nearly 8 years. She is wonderful and has to be in the middle of everything just like her momma. She is well tempered and gets along …
Sassy and Sterling’s litter.
We have had Gray for nearly 8 years. She is wonderful and has to be in the middle of everything just like her momma. She is well tempered and gets along …
Mauzi at 8 months old
This is Mauzi at 8 months old and 13 pounds. His parents are Eremeya and Yota. He is a wild boy and hasn't been easy to tame but we love him dearly. …
Sayomi 😍
We love our sayomi! We got her retired from here. She is so amazingly smart and cuddly. We’ve never met such a smart cat. She didn’t like being held initially, …
Poppy Head Shots
1 year old
We just recently celebrated our cat Mando's 2nd birthday and I wanted to tell everyone how he is doing. Mando is from one of Felicity and Hunter's litters. …
Birthdays - Momma Rhapsody 7yrs & Odyn 6 months
11/20/22 Rhapsody turned 7 yrs old, she loves to walk around the house with a toy in her mouth meowing! She tolerates her son Odyn! AT time's we believe …
Ozzy Living His Best Life
Ozzy will be 1 year old in one month!🥹
This is our 5 months old baby Morbius. His parents are felicity and Hunter. We adore this little guy.
Our boy, Charlie is the off spring of Pepperazzi and Hunter. He is currently 5 months old and weighs 8 pounds. We adore him. This bundle of energy is …
Our boy, Charlie is the off spring of Pepperazzi and Hunter. He is currently 5 months old and weighs 8 pounds. We adore him. This bundle of energy is …
Our boy, Charlie is the off spring of Pepperazzi and Hunter. He is currently 5 months old and weighs 8 pounds. We adore him. This bundle of energy is …
Poppy is a lovey blue/white female born 9/6/2021. Almost 7 months old and weighs 8.4 pounds
Ebi and his best friend.
Here is Ebi at 10 months with his best friend Uni. It is hard to believe when we first brought Ebi home he was half Uni's size!
Ozzy has been with me for a month and we couldn’t be happier together. He is from Tia and Yota’s litter. He loves to play and is a huge cuddle bug. He …
Ozzy has been with me for a month and we couldn’t be happier together. He is from Tia and Yota’s litter. He loves to play and is a huge cuddle bug. He …
So we have had Wolfrik for 6 months, he was born on April 7th. What a blessing this guy has been in our lives! He’s so lovable, he eats everything, he …
Bonnie Lass
She’s approaching 2 now and has become quite the girl. Talk, talk, talk. Bonnie is very conversational and purrs when she vocalizes everything. Most definitely …
Sweet Link
This is our baby Link! He is a handsome and sweet, even though he always looks angry! He will be 1 year in October 2021 and is already so big!
Our handsome Ganon
Our handsome villian Ganon has lots of personality and sass! He will be 2 in November 2021! He stretches out to be about 3.5ft long!
Grogu at almost 5 months!
Our perfect Angel baby will be 5 months in. Week and boy he is getting big and we love it! He is so extremely playful and also the most loving boy! We …
Quill (Our Star-Lord)
Today makes a week that we have had him and he had his first vet check today! He had a clean bill of health and the ladies there loved him LOL! he is so …
Grogu - our sweet angel
We brought home our sweet baby boy Grogu this past Monday! He is EVERYTHING I've ever wanted in a maine coon- my other two cats are very curious about …
We first met Cody on October 10th 2020 in Tennessee! Cody stayed overnight with us in our hotel and traveled on an Airplane back to Seattle with us as …
My Precious Domino
Domino, my 14.5 year old male Maine Coon lost his fight against cancer in December 2019. He was my heart and the highlight of our cat family. I adopted …
Our boy turns 3 in October! He has been a total joy since day one. He loves to talk and will block the computer screen to remind you who is #1. He is so …
This is my Thor at 8 months
Daegan 5/5/19
Daegan is the sweetest, most affectionate boy. He’s talkative, inquisitive. He’s friendly with all our cats. Daegan is a black smoke. He’s just now fixing …
Our new baby
We brought home our beautiful princess Jasmine today. I just wanted to share an update after our journey home.
An update on Alf. Not rated yet
I just figured i would leave an update on Alf, since he’s grown a bunch. He has become a bit of a stinker, he chases our other cats all over the house. …
Wiley Not rated yet
We love our Wiley!
Mufasa 9/4/23 Not rated yet
Mufasa is almost 11 months and he’s such a joy! He weighs 13.2 pounds and was around 38 in long. He likes playing with his brother Gunny.. and likes …
Our boy Towney Not rated yet
Towney is growing so quick; he has even outgrown his cat tree.
Our boy Towney Not rated yet
Towney has grown up so fast, he has even outgrown his cat tree. LOL
My Remmy Not rated yet
We have a classic blue Maine coon named Remmy. He will be 4 years old in Feb. He is smart, very loving and chatters all the time. He talks and let’s me …
Pete loves going for walks! Not rated yet
I never knew I would love Pete this much! Also SMMC is great to work with and produces beautiful cats.
Maine coon. Go to work day!!!! Not rated yet
I was actually looking for a different color but when I seen him I feel in love. He is full of energy but very lovable.
Ziva and Yota 9/6/21. POPPY Not rated yet
Beautiful blue and white -loves watching birds and rabbits in my yard in Las Cruces NM. She handled the 3 day car ride just fine with motel stays each …
Ziva and Yota 9/6/21. POPPY Not rated yet
Beautiful blue and white -loves watching birds and rabbits in my yard in Las Cruces NM. She handled the 3 day car ride just fine with motel stays each …
2 years ago gotcha day Not rated yet
2 years ago today we brought this gorgeous boy home! He has been such a joy and so entertaining to our family! We love our Grogu!!! He is big beautiful …
Ziva and Yota litter 9/6/2021 Not rated yet
This is Poppy. A true joy. Mischievous,playful and very lovey.
The two photos are when I picked her up at 8 weeks and last week at 7 months. Currently …
Ebi is 7 months Not rated yet
This is Ebi at 7 months. As you can see he loves the bathtub and his rubber ducks! He is so sweet and loves to talk with everyone he sees.
✭✭✭✭Meet Pete✭✭✭✭ Not rated yet
Meet Pete, our beautiful, playful, and snuggly-when-he-wants-to-be Maine Coon kitten. He’s 16 weeks old and already a big part of our family which includes …
Ebi at 5 months Not rated yet
Ebi is from Indigo and Yota and is just 5 months this week. He is already 10lbs and growing like a weed! He is so much fun to be around - everything is …
Augustus Octavius Not rated yet
Hello. My name is Augustus Octavius, and I’ve been with my dad for 9 months. He calls me Octavian for short, and I’m not a spoiled boy, regardless of what …
Jasmine Not rated yet
Jasmine was born 10.6.19. She now weighs almost 18 pounds. She doesn’t look that big but you know it as soon as you pick her up. She is the daughter of …
Grogu - our sweet angel Not rated yet
We brought home our sweet baby boy Grogu this past Monday! He is EVERYTHING I've ever wanted in a maine coon- my other two cats are very curious about …
Ragnar <3 Not rated yet
My georgeus 14 weeks boy!
He is really cute and very friendly!
Sometimes like little devil but still cute :D
Best decision ever!
Rayla Pandora Not rated yet
A good friend of ours purchased her from your cattery! When he found out he would be moving and unable to keep her, we adopted her. My husband grew up …
My Boy Yeti:) Not rated yet
This is my two year old boy Yeti, so BIG and GORGEOUS!! And what a lover.
Bonny Lass Not rated yet
Bonny came home with us in April and after a few days of adjustment she has become a constant companion. She has to be involved in everything you do. She …
7m old Ganon Not rated yet
Meet Ganon! He is just barely 7 months old in this picture. He has a unique bond with my daughter. She came home from work and he immediately wanted her. …
Greysen Gandolf Not rated yet
Greysen and his Bro Leroy have their own Facebook page:
Sesame! Not rated yet
It has been almost a year since we brought Sesame home. She immediately took over our home and makes her presence known everywhere she goes! We laugh because …
Zeus Not rated yet
He loves his cat tree in the window with it open. Anytime we eat he lays by our feet he sleeps on mommies chest at night and wakes us up 6am every morning …
My Yeti and Miesha Not rated yet
These are the two siblings we are lucky parents of. These are their one year old pics. Yeti is the cream colored male and Miesha is the grey female. …
Bonnie Lass Not rated yet
Bonnie Lass came home with us April 25th 2020 and quickly explored her new domain. She is becoming the queen of the home. She follows us everywhere we …
Lee Lee was born in May parents Blaze and Felicity Not rated yet
We actually bought both our boys from here and I would recommend this cattery ❤️
Lokie parents are Blaze and Indigo Not rated yet
We got Lokie he was born in April his parents are Blaze and Indigo
Our Theo Boy! Not rated yet
We sure do love our Theo boy! He will be 2 years old in March and still act like a little kitten. He's not a lovey boy, but on his terms he'll sneak up …
How did you meet?
How big and beautiful are they now?
A 1000 photos later you realize: Your Maine Coon has Hijacked your social media.