

by Sue
(Kokomo, IN)

Cuddling in my quilt

Cuddling in my quilt

Our boy, Charlie is the off spring of Pepperazzi and Hunter. He is currently 5 months old and weighs 8 pounds. We adore him. This bundle of energy is always underfoot, curious about everything, and very, very cuddly. He is a constant source of amusement- thinks he can do anything (like jumping across a 6 foot expanse from end table to fireplace (he can’t) or jumping from floor to kitchen counter (he can!)
He occasionally needs to be rescued from inside an empty hamper - he can get in but not out. He gets himself into such a lather being petted that he sometimes rolls himself right off the bed. But he bounces right back up for more.
We could not have gotten a healthier, happier cat than our Charlie.

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Sep 14, 2022
Charlie is an angel!
by: Tammy

Thanks for sharing! Really love seeing how he is growing.

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