
Our Theo Boy!

by Andrea Ortiz

We sure do love our Theo boy! He will be 2 years old in March and still act like a little kitten. He's not a lovey boy, but on his terms he'll sneak up in the chair with you for some cuddle time. Theo is picky!!! He'll eat just about any kind of hard food, but will only do specific soft food. He will never miss a meal, and will remind us when it's dinner time. Also, currently he will only drink out of the faucet. He can turn it on all by himself and recently learned to turn if off all by himself!! He loves water and will supervise the kids in the tub and occasionally dip his foot in and give them a splash. When he wants to be petted he will literally thrown himself down on the floor and roll over and all around until he gets a belly scratch! He's super fun addition to our family and we love him more that words can say! I'm currently try to talk my husband into another one :)

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